Title: Prim. MD, Phd, general and endocrine surgeon in
Clinic for Endocrine surgery, UKCS, Belgrade.
Head of the operation block and intensive care unit.
Name and surname: Goran V. Zoric
Date of birth: 09 th September, 1969, Zagreb
Citizenship: Serbian citizen, Croatian citizen
Marital status: Married with Tamara, daughter Anđela
Phone, Cell: +381 66 830 1831

2018. Phd, Dr sci. med, School of Medicine, Belgrade University.
2018. Member of European Thyroid Association, ETA
2016. Active member of European Society of Endocrine Surgeons, ESES
2015 – 2016. Endocrine surgery subspecialization. Primarius.
2010. Mr sci. med, School of Medicine, Belgrade University.
2009. Active member of Serbian Society of Endocrine Surgeons, UEHS
2009. Licence number 106079, Medical Chamber of Serbia.
1998 – 2004. General surgery specialization.
1998. MD state licence exam.
1989 – 1997. MD, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb(1989-91) and
University of Belgrade (1991-97).

2004 – to date Surgeon in Centre for Endocrine surgery, Clinical Centre of Serbia,
Belgrade. Performed more than 2500 thyroid and parathyroid
1998 – 2003. Resident (General surgery) at University Clinic „Dr Dragisa Misovic,
Dedinje“, Belgrade and Centre for Endocrine Surgery, Clinical
Centre of Serbia, Belgrade.
1997 – 1998. Medical Doctor Internship, Clinical Centre of Serbia.

Serbian (native), English (knowledge of spoken and written language), Italian (basic
knowledge of spoken and written language).
Computer proficient – MS Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and other
Driving licence – B category, no endorsements.

Author and coauthor of papers published in indexed journals, open access journals and abstract books of scientific meetings.
Lecturer at numerous scientific meetings – Serbia, Germany, Romania, Croatia and other.
(Author and lecturer at 5th ESES workshop in Berlin, 2013, abstract was published in
„Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery“).
Author of the chapter about intermediately differentiated thyroid carcinomas in the text-book „Hirurgija štitaste žlezde“ („Surgery of Thyroid Gland“) – I. Paunović, A. Diklić, V.
Živaljević, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd 2017.
Author of the chapter about rare adrenal tumours in the text-book „Hirurgija nadbubrežne žlezde“ (Surgery of Adrenal Gland“) – I. Paunovic, A. Diklić, V. Živaljević, Faculty of Medicine, Beograd 2019.